Lutme 1.9.0 is here!

  • Lightness False Colors, allowing you to check the effect of a LUT on exposure and check dark (purple) and light (red) areas for information clipping 
  • move LUT folders from the explorer, which allows you to organize your LUTs with more ease
  • Double-clicking on the divider retracts the panel, making more space to see the main preview so you can focus on the selected LUT
  • sort LUT by path so that LUTs are in a consistent alphabetical order while still being grouped by folder
  • sub-folders are now sorted in the explorer, allowing consistent order, making it easier to navigate
  • optimization for large image files, generate smaller previews so you can quickly find the LUT you are looking for
  • various small improvements and bug fixes, to make the experience more polished


Lutme-1.9.0.dmg 33 MB
80 days ago 33 MB
80 days ago

Get Lutme: LUT Viewer and Organizer

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